Matthew R. Pintar
I am an aquatic ecologist who studies the factors that affect community and population dynamics of freshwater organisms. This work involves habitat selection by aquatic insects and amphibians, long-term dynamics of animal populations, and the biogeography and taxonomy of aquatic insects.

My research focuses on the community and population dynamics of freshwater animals, particularly fish and a wide array of invertebrates, including beetles and water bugs.

Our paper "Hydrology-mediated ecological function of a large wetland threatened by an invasive predator" has been published in Science of the Total Environment. In this paper, we attribute the near-complete loss of crayfish and some small fish from the Everglades to the invasion of the Asian Swamp Eel (Monopterus albus/javanensis).

I provide aquatic insect identification, curation, and collection services. Please contact me for more info.