I am currently a researcher with BIO-WEST and a research associate at Florida International University. I was previously a postdoc at FIU working with Nathan Dorn and Joel Trexler working on long-term dynamics of aquatic animals in the Everglades.

Even earlier, I was a postdoc with Bill Resetarits at the University of Mississippi, from where I also obtained my PhD in biology. During that time all of my work was conducted at the University of Mississippi Field Station, where I primarily studied how patch characteristics influence the habitat selection of colonizing aquatic insects and ovipositing treefrogs.

I have made numerous contributions to Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, and OpenStreetMap, and identify aquatic insects for users on iNaturalist, BugGuide, and other sites. Data from many of my publications has been archived on Dryad and Figshare, which also includes slides and posters from presentations that I have given.

Prior to graduate school, I worked various jobs across the United States, including fisheries crews of Sawtooth National Recreation Area and Fairfield Ranger District of Sawtooth National Forest, the sustainability team in Zion National Park, and the resource management division of Prince William Forest Park.

I obtained my bachelor's degree in Ecology and Environmental Sciences at the University of Maine. As an undergraduate, I conducted my honors thesis research with Brian J. Olsen on how landscape acidification at the Bear Brook Watershed in Maine affected ovenbird territory size.